Thursday, July 5, 2012

SBS Monitoring Log Filled to Capacity Redux

In November 2011, I had a client server whose SBS Monitoring log filled to capacity.  I talked about that here.  The fix I implemented should have been a permanent resolution (or so I read).  In July 2012, I began to get the same event log errors related to this problem.  My log had filled to capacity again.  I had to follow the same procedure.  In this case, I kept these notes:

  • it took 1 hour and 10 minutes to run the script
  • the SBSMonitoring.LDF file grew to 28 GB

As a reminder, I followed the article listed here to fix this:

Screen shot of the SBSMonitoring.LDF file after running the script:

Screen shot of the place where you shrink the  SBSMonitoring.LDF file:

Screen shot of the SBSMonitoring.LDF after being shrunk:

Annoying issue - but I'm documenting this for my own knowledge and for anyone else who may have this issue.


Dave M said...

Of note - this issue happened again on the same server in June 2013 (11 months after it last occurred).

Dave M said...

And it happened again in August 2014

Dave M said...

And it happened again in November 2014