Friday, April 26, 2013

Firefox will not display SSL enabled web sites - Sendori alters SSL certificate appearance

I was working on a computer with Firefox 20.01, and the browser would not display any SSL secured websites - not google, not facebook, not Citibank, not anything.  Chrome and Internet Explorer had no trouble with these sites.

What I found was a piece of software called Sendori that was installed the previous day that had somehow altered the SSL cert information for each site.  Example is below for the cert that was showing for Google.

I tried uninstalling Firefox, opening a new profile, deleting cert8.db and all sorts of things.  But it was this Sendori program altering certificates that was my problem.  I could see that Sendori was listed as the certificate issuer and the "valid from" date was set today for all SSL sites.

I was able to uninstall Sendori from add/remove programs.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

importing autocomplete in Outlook 2010 from 2003 with complicating Google factor

I had a weird situation where I was taking an autocomplete database from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2010 where the account was on Google Apps.

When you set up a Google Apps account, it pulls down an autocomplete database from the Google Apps account (presumably the autocomplete that exists from when you use webmail).  But if you were primarily using Outlook (2003 in this case), there is a much larger autocomplete database that you need to add.

You're supposed to be able follow the methods listed here, but they weren't working for me using the NK2 file I had and trying to bring them into Outlook 2010:

What I ended up doing was creating a POP account that allowed me to to import the NK2 file (in my case, I put the NK2 file in the appropriate location \appdata\roaming\microsoft\outlook and created an Outlook profile with a POP account with the same name and it imported automatically).  With that, I had NK2 file in the autocomplete stream file.

I tried several times to rename the existing autocomplete stream file with the stream file with no success.  The file would revert back to an 1 KB file with no autocomplete data.  I can't explain, but I just kept trying and eventually, one time of renaming the stream file with the data I wanted with the name that was associated with Outlook worked.  I can't explain what I did differently, but I just kept trying (with the ocassional reboot) and it worked.

Friday, April 12, 2013

SBS 2008 cleanup for low C drive space situations

I was looking for options for cleaning up an 80 GB C drive on an SBS 2008 server that had 4.5 GB free, and I came across this helpful article:

I was originally looking for options for reduce the size of c:\windows\winsxs which was 13 GB, but this post recommended against it.

I did two things to get me from 4.5 GB to 14 GB free.

First, I ran "compcln.exe" (which is a built-in utility on SBS 2008) and it cleared up about 1 GB of space.

Then I ran the logs clean up batch file as an administrator:

@echo off
rem Script to clean up disk space on SBS 2008 servers
rem Downloaded from
rem V1.0 - March 28th, 2010
rem Certificate Services Logs
net stop "Active Directory Certificate Services"
del c:\windows\system32\certlog\*.log
del c:\windows\system32\certlog\*.chk
del c:\windows\system32\certlof\*.jrs
net start "Active Directory Certificate Services"
rem IIS Log Files
Del C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\*.log /f /s

and it cleared up another 9 GB or so in my scenario.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

new computer setup steps (revised 4/11/13)

Generic computer setup steps (to be followed in order):

  1. Boot up computer and as required, create a local account with the name of the company as the login name with predefined local admin password
  2. Attach computer to domain
  3. Uninstall these items:
    a. preinstalled antivirus
    b. preinstalled Microsoft Office
    c. Bing bar
    d. other pre-installed bloatware
  4. Configure updates for all Microsoft programs
  5. Install Microsoft updates (including any possibly missing service packs)
  6. Install MS Office
  7. Install applicable programs for organization including (but not limited to):
    a. PDF995
    b. Adobe Acrobat Standard/Reader
    c. NitroPDF
    d. MS Project
    e. MS Visio
    f. TightVNC
    g. Skype
    h. Google Talk
    i. QuickBooks
    j. Malwarebytes
    k. Java
    l. FileMaker Pro
  8. Activate Microsoft Office (applicable for Office 2010 and newer).  For Office 2010 SP2, run one of the Office programs in an elevated state for proper activation.
  9. Update non-Microsoft programs that may have updates (particularly Quickbooks and Adobe Acrobat)
  10. Install antivirus (MS Security Essentials or Symantec Endpoint Protection) - intentionally installed after all other software
  11. Configure computer so computer's current owner is a member of the local admins group
  12. Configure VPN connection with access for all users
  13. Put appropriate icons for frequently accessed programs on desktop (Computer, Word, Excel, Outlook, terminal server icon, VPN icon, accounting software if applicable)
  14. Disable WLAN card when connected to wired ethernet if possible (configurable in device manager for Dell branded WLAN cards)
  15. Configure mobile broadband card
  16. Track computer's serial number in inventory spreadsheet

When complete, if putting the computer in place for an existing user, you'll probably want to follow these steps to swap in the computer:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

removing "copy" from calendar appointments after importing calendar

Sometimes when importing a calendar into another Outlook calendar, most or all of the appointments will say "copy" before the appointment title.  A VB script that gives a fix is here:

Recreated here for reference:

  1. Press Alt+F11 which will open the VBA window. 
  2. In the left pane, navigate to Project1-MS Outlook Object and double-click 'ThisOutlookSession'.
  3. Paste the code into the window in the right pane (code below)
  4. Press the green arrow button to execute the code.

Code to enter in step 3 (above):

Sub FixCopy()
Dim calendar As MAPIFolder
Dim calItem As Object
Set calendar = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Dim iItemsUpdated As Integer
Dim strTemp As String

iItemsUpdated = 0
For Each calItem In calendar.Items
    If Mid(calItem.Subject, 1, 6) = "Copy: " Then
      strTemp = Mid(calItem.Subject, 7, Len(calItem.Subject) - 6)
      calItem.Subject = strTemp
      iItemsUpdated = iItemsUpdated + 1
    End If
Next calItem

MsgBox iItemsUpdated & " of " & calendar.Items.count & " Items Updated"

End Sub